Send packages to Latin America from everywhere in the United States
60% cheaper than FedEx or USPS
How to send packages with Letsbox.it
1. Quote and Pay
No hidden charges, quote here and pay directly on our website
2. Print and Paste
Print the shipping label and paste it on your package

3. Drop off at UPS
At no additional cost, they will take your package to our nearest logistics point
4. Track
UPS delivers your package to us in the USA and Letsbox.it exports and delivers it in Latin America
Delivery Times and Restrictions
Delivery Times
🇨🇴Colombia: 6-10 business days
🇲🇽México: 10-14 business days
🇻🇪Venezuela: 20-25 business daysMaximum Weight and Size
Maximum 90 pounds per box
Maximum 35x25x20 inchesWhat Can You Send
Check the
Customs Restrictions
by country
Serving Thousands of Happy Customers
Pictures Our Clients Have Sent Us
Letsbox.it is up to 60% cheaper
Rate Comparison

20 lb to Colombia, not including taxes

20 lb to Colombia including taxes

20 lb to Colombia, not including taxes
Enjoy Convenience & No-hassle Shipping
All shipments are delivered to your destination address‘s doorstep
30,000 UPS stores where you can drop off your package
You don‘t need a box or printer!
At the UPS store they can print your label & sell you a box
At home pickups are also available
Customer Service
Call or message us
Monday to Sunday | 9 AM - 7 PM EST
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- WhatsApp Message+1 (213) 320-7919
- Chat
- Message our ChatChat
- hello@letsbox.it

Trusted by Thousands
Your shipment is in good hands
- Packages Sent
- 100,000+
- Safety
- 99.9%
- Happy Customers
- 20,000+